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Current Projects:

Modernization of the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation Infrastructure as a Precondition for Excellence in Mediterranean Agriculture Research
Project Code: NPOO.C3.2.R2-I2.03.0001
Grant Beneficiary: Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation
Project Leader: Katja Žanić
Total Project Value: €18,500,000.00
Project Funding Sources: Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (€8,500,000.00) and "Digital, Innovative, and Green Technologies" project (€10,000,000.00)
Implementation Period: June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027

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Reconnecting Science with the Blue Society (Blue-connect 2.0)
(Researchers' Night)

Support: The project is funded by the European Union under the HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01 call
Contract number: 101162569
Duration: 2024/2025
Lead partner: University of Split
Project leader at the Institute: PhD Tonka Nincevic Runjic
Project partners: Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Medils, University of Rijeka, Step-RI, University of Pula Juraj Dobrila, University of Zadar, University of Dubrovnik

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Role of magnesium in tomato nutrition: integrative approach
Funded by Croatian Science Foundation, Research projects: IP-2022-10-7260
Duration: 26 December 2023 – 25 December 2027
Budget: 193.908,02 EUR
Project leader: Branimir Urlic, PhD

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Novel approach to olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae, Rossi) monitoring and/or control using volatile compounds produced by brewing by-product (BeerBy-4- OliveFly)
Funded by Croatian Science Foundation, Research projects IP-2022-10-9643
Project leader: dr. sc. Elda Vitanovic
Project Partners: UC Davis, PMF Split
Project budget: 189.007,01 EUR
Duration: 30.12.2023. – 29.12.2027.

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From Tradition to Innovation: New Foods and Educational Toolkits for a Healthy and Sustainable Mediterranean Lifestyle (Tool4MEDLife)
Programme: Horizon 2020 – PRIMA Section 2 2022- Multi-topic 2.3.1 (RIA)
Lead Beneficiary: Università degli Studi di Camerino UNICAM (Italy)
Project Leader (CRO): Mirella Žanetić
Project Partners: University of Basilicata UNIBAS (Italy), Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University AT Ü (Turky), Konya Food and Agriculture University KFAU (Turky), Institute for Adriatic Crops IAC (Croatia), Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa ESTeSL-IPL (Portugal), Fundació Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull URL (Spain)
Total budget: 959.477,02 EUR
Duration: 2023. – 2026.

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Innovative farm strategies that integrate sustainable N fertilization, water management and pest control to reduce water and soil pollution and salinization in the Mediterranean (Safe-H2O-Farm)
Programme: Horizon 2020 - Section 2 2022- Multi-topic 2.1.1-2023 (RIA) 
Lead Beneficiary: University of Perugia UNIPG (Italy)
Project Partners: University of Perugia UNIPG (Italy), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Reserach ZALF (Germany), The Cyprus Institute CYI (Cyprus), Institut for Adriatic Crops IAC (Croatia), University of Almeria UAL (Spain), Akdeniz University TR-AU (Turkey), Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Institute, Gilat Research Center (Israel)
Total budget: 1.400.950,00 EUR
Institute budget: 150.000,00 EUR
Duration: 2023. – 2026.

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Reconnect Science With The Blue Society (Blue-connect)
(Researchers' night)

Financing: Horizon Europe, MSCA Researchers' Night
Period: 2022/2023
Coordinator: University of Split

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Enhancing competitiveness of olive production in the program area through cross border cooperation (COOPer)
Programme: Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro 2014 – 2020
Operation ID: HR-BA-ME371
Lead Beneficiary: Grad Mostar (BA)
Project Partners: Croatian Chamber of Economy (HR), Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation (HR), Chamber of Economy of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), and NGO Olive Growers Association "Boka" - Boka Kotorska (ME)
Total budget: 884 677.75 EUR
Programme co-financing: 751 976.07 EUR
Institute budget: 107.176,63 EUR (Programme co-financing: 91.100,13 EUR)
Duration: 15.12.2020 - 14.11.2023
Project Summary


ASTERIS (Adaptation to Saltwater inTrusion in sEa level RIse Scenarios)
Vodeci partner: University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" (Italija)
Partneri na projektu: Grad Ravenna (Italija), Grad Fano (Italija),
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR (Italija), Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krsa Split (HR), Hrvatske Vode (HR), Ustanova Centar za istrazivanje materijala Istarske zupanije Metris (HR)
Vrijednost projekta: 1.026.244,20 E;
Udio IJK: 131.790,00 E
Period: 01.01.2019.- 31.12.2020.
Project is approved by programme Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia 2014. - 2020. and financed by European regional development fund.
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Pathogenic potential of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 and its interaction with grapevine hosts
Project Leader: Katarina Hancevic
Support: Croatian Science Foundation (IP-01-2018)
Period: 1st January 2019 - 31st December 2022
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Adoption of eco-friendly management practices in vegetable cropping systems under Croatian and Sovenian agroecological conditions
Support: Ministry of Science and Education, Republic of Croatia (Bilateral research collaboration, Croatia: Slovenia)
Period: 2018 - 2019
Project Leader (CRO): Katja Zanic
Participants (CRO): Marija Mandusic, Maja Jukić Spika, Branimir Urlic, Smiljana Goreta Ban
Project Leader (SLO): Dragan Znidarcic
Budget: 2.000,00 EUR


Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding
Project Leader: Prof. Zlatko Satović, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
Support: Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. - 2020., No: KK.
Financial value: 37.511.157,82 HRK
Project activity (IAC): Work Group 05 Olive (WG 05 Olive)
Head of the work group 05 Olive: Tatjana Klepo PhD
Financial value (WG05 Olive): 3.837.744,20 HRK
Period: 1st January 2018 - 1st January 2023
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New approaches in understanding of the compatibility relationships and pollen-pistil interactions in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Project Leader: Gabriela Vuletin Selak
Support: Unity Trough Knowledge Fond
Period: 16th October 2017 - 15th January 2019
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Tomato grafting mitigates biotic stress caused by whiteflies
Support: HRZZ (IP-2014-09-3365)
Period: 07/2015 – 06/ 2018
Financial value: 695.495,00 HRK
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The wild grape (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris): a valuable source of genes for grape breeding
Support: HRZZ (UIP-2014-09-9737)
Period: 07/2015 – 06/ 2018
Financial value: 595.400,00 HRK
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INtegrated research on Forest Resilience and Management in the mEDiterranean (INFORMED)
Support: FP7-ERANET-2013-RTD (Coordination and Support Action), within FP7project - FORESTERRA (Enhancing FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean through improved coordination and integration)
Period: 2015-2018
Financial value: IAC budget is 30.000 EUR, total value is 2.310.079,00 EUR
Coordinator: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA, Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes, URFM, Avignon, France
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Role of soil properties and environmental conditions in elemental and isotopic composition of the olive: basis for oil geographic traceability
Support: UKF GRANT: 1B, Contract no 23/15
Period: 12/2015 – 12/ 2017
Financial value: 1.731.252,35 HRK
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Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean - ARIMNet2
Support: FP7-ERANET-2013-RTD (Coordination and Support Action)
Period: 01/2014-12/2017
Financial value: IAC budget is 27.000 EUR, total value is 1.998.724 EUR
Coordinator: Institut national de la recherche agronomique, France
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Adriatic Model Forest (AMF)
Support: IPA Adriatic CBC 2007-2013
Period: 2013 - 2014
Partnership: Croatian forest research institute - lead partner (Croatia); Sibenik-Knin County (Croatia); Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation (Croatia); Biotechnical faculty (Montenegro); Faculty of Forest Science (Albania);  Institute of Forestry (Serbia); Public Enterprise "Vojvodinasume" (Serbia); Faculty of forestry of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Municipality of Ferrara, (Italy); Region of Epirus - Regional Unit of Thesprotia (Greece)

Project manager (IAC): Lukrecija Butorac
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Locating the Wild Grapevine Along the River Banks of Krka, Croatia
Potpora: Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
Period: 05/2013 - 06/2013
Project Leader: Goran Zdunic


Enhancement of flavonoids and other antioxidants of loose-leaf lettuce by controlled supply of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S)
Support: MZOS and DAAD (Bilateral cooperation Croatia and Germany)
Period: 2012 - 2013
Project Leader: Smiljana Goreta Ban

Effect of stress on physiological processes, yield, and composition of antioxidants in vegetables
Support: MZOS and ARRS (Bilateral cooperation Croatia and Slovenia)
Period: 2012 - 2013
Project Leader: Smiljana Goreta Ban

Advanced technologies in vegetables growing and protection - yield, quality and pests population density
Support: Ministry of Agriculture (Republic of Croatia)
Cofinancing: Agrofructus d.o.o., Duplancic-Beco
Period: 2011 - 2013
Project Leader: Katja Zanic

Croatia Agriculture Research and Educational Exchange
Support: USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
Period: 2009 - 2012
Project Leaders: Dan MacLean (USA) and Smiljana Goreta Ban (Croatia)

Indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the grapevines from karstic soils
Support: Unity through knowledge Fund, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2009 - 2011
Project Leader: Tomislav Radic

Whiteflies (Aleyrodidae), viruses that they transmit and Mediterranean fruit fly (Tephritidae) in horticulture of Croatia and Montenegro
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia (Bilateral research collaboration, Croatia: Montenegro)
Period: 2011-2012
Project Leader: Katja Zanic

Rooting potential of autochthonous olive varieties (Olea europea L.)
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Republic of Croatia (Bilateral research collaboration, Croatia: Montenegro)
Period: 2011-2012
Project Leader: Frane Strikic

COST FA0701 (Athropod symbioses from fundamental studies to pest and disease management; WG 1: Arthropod Symbiont Diversity, WG 3: Host-Symbiont Interactions)
Support: EU RTD Framework Programme
Period: 2010-2012
Members of Management Committee: Katja Zanic and Marisa Skaljac
Croatian participants' activity

PROGRAM I: Preservation, Evaluation and Sustainable Use of Adriatic Agricultural Resources
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Slavko Perica

Evaluation, preservation and utilization of olive genetic resources
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Slavko Perica

Abiotic and biotic stressors in vegetable growing systems in karst
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Smiljana Goreta

Research & Development of Environmentally-Friendly Methods in Olive Pest Control
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Miro Katalinic

Pathogen elimination from Citrus and grapevine using in vitro techniques
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Tomislav Radic

Agroeconomic characteristics of the development of family farms
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Bosko Milos

Evaluation of sweet cherries and sour cherry Maraska in Mediterranean Croatia
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Zlatko Cmelik (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb)

Biotechnological Parameters of Premium-quality Dalmatian Dessert Wine - Prosek
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Tomislav Lovric (Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb

PROGRAM II: Sustainable and integral management with forest ecosystems in Croatia
Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Joso Vukelic (Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb)

Choice of the species and methods of afforestation on the Mediterranean karst
Support: Support: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
Period: 2007 -
Project Leader: Vlado Topic

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