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INtegrated research on Forest Resilience and Management in the mEDiterranean (INFORMED)

Support: FP7-ERANET-2013-RTD (Coordination and Support Action), within FP7project - FORESTERRA (Enhancing FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean through improved coordination and integration)

Period: 2015-2018

Financial value: IAC budget is 30.000 EUR, total value is 2.310.079,00 EUR

Coordinator: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA, Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes, URFM, Avignon, France


Mediterranean forests are complex social-ecological systems that provide multiple goods and services. Mediterranean forests are complex social-ecological systems that provide multiple goods and services. Thinking adaptive management options to increase their resilience in the context of global change and related uncertainties requires a new paradigm, focusing on trajectories rather than states of the forest. Our metadisciplinary research on the basic mechanisms and their interactions that drive the trajectory of the social-ecological system aims to :

  1. produce global change scenarios specifically dedicated to the Mediterranean forests;
  2. develop process-based approach of biodiversity and functional response of Mediterranean forests to disturbance;
  3. develop integrated assessment of ecosystem services and their dynamics based on ecosystem functions and their economic evaluation;
  4. assess adaptive forest management strategies, policy and governance options for their expected impact on resilience.

This project contributes to the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2010-2020.

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