Meso-climatological studies and grape varieties in New York State
Major wine faults
početak o institutu djelatnici projekti usluge događanja

Dr. John E. Hudelson
Professor, Global Wine Studies, Central Washington University, USA

Meso-climatological studies and grape varieties in New York State

Major wine faults

srijeda, 04.09.2013. u 10.00 sati
Institut za jadranske kulture, Put Duilova 11, Split
dvorana 118 (velika predavaonica)

Dr. John E. Hudelson is assistant professor of Global Wine Studies at Central Washington University's World Wine Program in Ellensburg, Washington. John has worked as a Viticulture researcher at Cornell University's Agricultural Experimental Station, served as V.P. of Operations for the Hudson Valley Wine and Grape Association, been the wine chemist of a large U.S. winery, and taught at several colleges in the Northeast United States.
He is the author of Wine Faults: Causes, Effects and Cures published by the Wine Appreciation Guild which was deemed "One of Fourteen Cool Products" by Wine Business Monthly Magazine in 2011. John has been a vineyardist for the 24 years and is co-owner of North River Methode Champenois Wines. Having lived and worked in Europe, Africa, South America, and the United States, John has acquired a global view of the world, and of wine and the wine industry.

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