Ponedjeljak 20. listopada 2014.
- 9:30 dolazak gostiju
- 10:30 prezentacija znanstvene i stručne djelatnosti Instituta
(ravnatelj) i prezentacija naše znanstvene strategije vezano
za planove prijave projekata u narednom razdoblju (stručna suradnica
za projekte A. Bedalov)
- 12 obilazak Instituta (infrastruktura, laboratoriji, vinograd,
podrum, plastenik)
- 13:30 ručak
- 15 prezentacije znanstvenika iz Montpelliera
- M.
Broin (project officer, Agropolis International): presentation
of Agropolis International and potential areas of collaboration
with the Institute in the framework of a TWINNING project
- P.
Lallemand (course coordinator, Institute for Higher Education
and Vine and Wine, Montpellier, Supagro): presentation of the
Institute for Higher Education and Vine and Wine in Montpellier
and potential areas of collaboration with the Institute
- M.O.
Jordan (researcher in horticultural systems, INRA): presentation
of the Pole of integrated Horticulture in Avignon and potential
areas of collaboration with the Institute
- J.C.
Meile (researcher in food quality and safety, CIRAD): presentation
of the Qualisud research unit on food quality and safety and
potential areas of collaboration with the Institute
21. listopada 2014.
po dogovorenim grupama.