Publications in reviewed journals:
Lukrecija; Topic, Vlado; Jelic, Goran: Povrsinsko otjecanje
oborina i gubici tla u opozarenim kulturama alepskog
bora (Pinus halepensis Mill.) na koluviju. // Sumarski
list. CXXXIII (2009), 3-4; 165-174 (journal article).
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Djurdjevic, Zoran; Kekelic,
Branko; Jelic, Goran: Utjecaj tipa kontejnera na rast
i razvoj sadnica obicnog cempresa (Cupressus sempervirens
var. pyramidalis Nyman) u rasadniku i sumskoj kulturi.
// Sumarski list. CXXXIII (2009), 3-4; 121-134 (journal
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic, Goran: Biomasa u panjacama
planike (Arbutus unedo L.) na otoku Bracu. // Sumarski
list. CXXXIII (2009), 1-2; 5-14 (journal article).
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic, Goran; Peric, Sanja;
Rosavec, Roman: Biomass of hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia
Scop.) shrub on Velebit. // Periodicum biologorum. 110
(2008), 2; 151-156 (journal article).
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic, Goran: Povrsinsko
otjecanje padalina i erozija tla u sumskim ekosustavima
alepskog bora. // Radovi - Sumarski institut, Jastrebarsko.
Izvanredno izdanje 9 (2006); 127-137 (journal article).
Vlado; Djurdjevic, Zoran; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic,
Goran: Utjecaj tipa kontejnera na rast i razvoj sadnica
pinije (Pinus pinea L.) u rasadniku. // Radovi - Sumarski
institut, Jastrebarsko. Izvanredno izdanje 9 (2006); 149-157 (journal article).
reports (abstracts) in other journals:
Lukrecija; Topic, Vlado; Jelic, Goran: Intensity of
soil erosion by water in preserved and burnt stands
of Aleppo pine in Croatia. // 29th EARSeL Symposium
"Imagine Europe", Abstract Book / I. Manakos,
C. Kalaitzidis, D. Petraki, N. Psyllakis, editor(s).
Chania: European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories
(EARSeL) and Mediterranean Agronomic Institut of Chania
(MAICh), 2009. 8-8 (poster, international peer-review, abstract, expert).
conference papers with international peer-review:
Lukrecija; Topic, Vlado; Jelic, Goran: Intensity of
soil erosion by water in preserved and burnt stands
of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) in Croatia //
Imagin (e, g) Europe - Proceedings of the 29th EARSeL
Symposium, Chania, Greece / Manakos, Ioannis; Kalaitzidis,
Chariton, editor(s). Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2010. 35-42
(poster, international peer-review, published, scientific).
Lukrecija; Topic, Vlado; Jelic, Goran; Jazbec, Anamarija:
Influence of forest fire on water erosion of soil in
the Mediterranean area of Croatia // Proceedings of
the First International Conference on Remote Sensing
Techniques in Disaster Management and Emergency Response
in the Mediterranean Region / Olujic, Marinko, editor(s).
Zagreb: European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories
(EARSeL), 2008. 231-239 (lecture, international peer-review,
published, scientific).
in Book of abstracts:
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic, Goran: Role of vegetation
on karst on protection of soil from erosion // Sustainability
of the karst environment - Dinaric karst and other karst
regions, Abstract Book / O. Bonacci, Z. Zupan, editor(s).
Gospic: Sveucilisna tiskara d.o.o., 2009. 134-134 (lecture,
international peer-review, abstract, scientific).
Lukrecija; Topic, Vlado; Jelic, Goran: Influence of
forest fire on water erosion of soil in the Mediterranean
area of Croatia // Disaster Management and Emergency
Response in the Mediterranean Region, Abstract Book
/ Marinko Olujic and Ivan Gusic, editor(s). Zagreb,
2008. 75 (lecture, international peer-review, abstract,
Lukrecija; Topic, Vlado; Jelic, Goran: Soil erosion
by water in Aleppo pine stands (Pinus halepensis Mill.)
after fire // 2008-International Year of Planet Earth,
Eurosoil 2008, Soil - Society - Environment / Blum,
Winfried E.H.; Gerzabek, Martin H.; Vodrazka, Manfried,
editor(s). Wienna: University of Natural Resources and
Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), 2008. 258-259 (poster,
international peer-review, abstract, scientific).
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic, Goran: Projekt bioloske
sanacije ekspoloatacijskog polja "10. kolovoz",
Vlado; Butorac, Lukrecija; Jelic, Goran: Projekt bioloske
sanacije eksploatacijskog polja "Sv.Juraj-Sv.Kajo",