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Department of Plant Sciences

Enological Laboratory

Viticulture and Enology

Fruit and Olive


The Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Plant Physiology

Soil microbiology

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants



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Department of Plant Sciences

Viticulture and Enology:

Research is focused on the conservation, identification, characterization and improvement in the breeding of autochthonous cultivars of grapevine. Clonal selection was launched for major cultivars such as Plavac Mali. We maintain an ex-situ collection of autochthonous cultivars. Quality control of wine and other grape products are listed in referent methods (OIV and EU) in accordance with the standards of HRN: EN ISO 17025:2005 in a certified Enology Laboratory. Utilising the most modern and efficient methods, research is conducted with the purpose of determining the quality of grapes, wine and spirits (from grape), in the winemaking process in an experimental winery, and the impact of technological processes on their individual ingredients.

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